
Lucia Light Therapy

This unique light experience, creates an altered awareness and perspective of oneself and the world, widening our perception of reality.

What to expect:

Close your eyes and immerse yourself in a kaleidoscope of colors and sacred geometry of wide-spectrum solid and flickering light. Be gently guided deep within yourself, inviting you on a profound journey you will never forget. The Lucia Light offers the benefits of a deep mediation, through accessing an expanded state of consciousness almost immediately.

Rapidly gain the benefits that come from years of practicing meditation

The pineal gland collects the light through closed eyes sending messages to the brain, to regulate the brain waves. The light facilitates the EEG wave pattern that usually shows up after years of meditation. Bringing a relaxation to the nervous system sometimes never experienced before. Allowing access to the brain wave patterns often associated with joy, intuition, creativity and high concentration.

Each persons experience of a light session is unique, as the way our brain perceives the light experience is individual to our own given circumstances in that present moment.

Faced with the unique images of ones own inner experience of the light session, light travelers are challenged to re-evaluate their perception of themselves and their world, through this visual experience. Opening up an altered awareness and clarity to their themselves and the world around them, that were not previously perceivable. In unusual situations the brain develops special skills. This phenomenon can be stimulated by light.

Some benefits experienced from Lucia Light Sessions:

  • Improved quality of sleep
  • Reduced stress response
  • Improved mental abilities and creativity
  • Increased awareness and intuition Mood enhancement and emotional stability
  • Positive mental and physical shifts

While 1 session with the Lucia Light can be powerful, a series of 5 or more sessions is recommended to experience the full range of benefits and shift your nervous system.

Various pilot studies have been carried out in exploring the beneficial effects of the Lucia Light sessions on people suffering from: depression, anxiety, PTSD and alzheimer’s/dementia. (Nancy Bekhor Lucialightmelbourne.com)

Learning to quieten the mind and surrender to the profound light experience, is helpful to allow for a greater effectiveness of the light session. A guided meditation is offered prior to the light session if required.

The Developers of Lucia light:

The Lucia Light was developed by 2 Austrian doctors: Psychotherapist, Engelbert Winkler, had a near-death experience in childhood, and has continued to be fascinated by the healing and awakening properties of these events that are associated with ‘seeing the light’. Read more…

Lucia Light is now being experienced around the world throughout the US, Canada, UK, Europe, Asia & Australia. Its applications are diverse, from assisting with mental health, creativity, productivity or enhancing relaxation and consciousness.

The Lucia light has a low voltage central halogen light and 8 LED lights. It is not recommended for epileptics, or people who are light sensitive.

Note: The Lucia Light is not a medical device.

“For every event in life there are many different angles. When you look at the same event from a wider perspective, your sense of worry and anxiety reduces, and you have greater joy”

His Holiness the Dalia Lama.